eyes open

eyes open
"know thyself" is the cure, the answer, the process, the goal, the result


American Lawyer Survey--Firms Pay Through The Nose for New Talent

Just read an interesting post at the WSJ law blog (congrats, Rupert, on the new 'property'?). I found a review there of a new (as yet unreleased?) survey by the American Lawyer on associate happiness. As usual, it is abysmal. Congrats to Dickstein in NY for coming out on top. Of course, even the vaulted ratings they received doesn't mean they don't lose associates.

Most interestingly, a little tidbit about law firm economics. It turns out that some firms will spend a whopping $250K to recruit a single summer associate. That makes lateral hiring look better and better! To take a look, click here.

I think I may raise my rates . . . .

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